Sunday, November 14, 2010


I've been pretty obsessed with the band Memoryhouse as of late.  Especially since I've started reading their blog - which is filled with the most beautiful photos and videos.  Like this one:

Which makes me die a thousand tiny, lovely deaths.

Memoryhouse is classically trained frontman Evan Abeele and photographer-slash-vocalist Denise Nouvion.  Originally the duo set out to create an audio-video art project with ambient music and Denise's photographs.  They soon found out they loved making pop music together and the project took a different path.

The music combined with the photographs pins down EXACTLY how I'm feeling in my brain/heart/lungs right now.  Here are a sampling of my favorite images from their website:

Love you, mean it


band info care of Pitchfork.  all photos by Denise Nouvion.

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