Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There to Remind Me

A friend recently reminded me of a long-lost band love.

I love this - stilted video and all.  There is something wonderful about being surrounded by a few hundred people, sweating and singing along.

Here's to songs we can all sing along to.

Love you, MEAN it


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This Week.

Emily is getting hitched this weekend and throwing her a party was the least her friends and I could do to show her how much we love and support her. 

Vegan food, good bubbly, silly toasts, laughter and a bit of karaoke. 
It doesn't get much better. 

Safe to say we're a little preoccupied this week. Forgive the quiet(ish) blog. 

love you, mean it.


Monday Musicals (the Tuesday Cereal Edition)

Love you, mean it


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jump the Shark

Lol.  via parachuteshark

Love you, mean it


Where art thou?

Rodarte, Rodarte why art thou so lovely?

via their S/S 11 collection.

Love you, mean it


photos from alice point and sea of shoes

the Mad Hatter

what started out to be a post about hats...

but ended up much more than that...

love you, mean it


p.s. photos via miss pandora, sea of shoes, audrey hepburn complex, the clothes horse, cat party, sabino, fashion toast, jovan todorovic's flickr and the jealous curator.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yes, Please

After a long day of errands, I need a little inspiration...

Yes, please.

Love you, mean it


cold feet

Stumbling upon a Tabio shop in Paris this past summer was a pleasant surprise for my travel buddy and me. We had both been on our feet for so long, that the luxury of a new pair of socks was a welcome expense. Now that summer in San Francisco seems to have come and gone quickly, I'm thinking of replenishing the socks and tights collection.

What do you think? Want in on an order from the UK?

love you, mean it.


Music Monday... a day late.

love you, mean it.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Musical Mondays

shake it kiddo...

Love you, mean it


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Current S/S 11 Favorites

Here are a smattering of my current fav's from fashion week:

ombre slip dresses with dropped waistlines.

western chic with her signature prints.

classic american sportwear in hot-dog-on-a-stick colors.

china patterns, wooden textures, and quirky/brilliant as always.

I am a little slash a lot in love with this designer currently. These designs are 60's as f*ck - but in the best way possible. Reminiscent of YSL from that era with a dash of Madmen and a pinch of delicious color.

Love you, mean it


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week started this morning bright and early at 9am (not really that early at all).  And unlike my usual sites (, New York Magazine, etc.) I'm going to be checking up on the Guardian UK.  It's a live report that updates every minute (complete with pictures)(See Below - that's from this morning!).

I'll also be peeping WWD's live twitter feed (via my twitter app - for folks in finals :-(

Happy Fashion Week everyone!

Love you, mean it


p.s. photos from Guardian UK and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week site.

p.p.s view Fashion Week's full schedule here.

ah. well said:

love you, mean it.


summer in the city

So our summer is finally beginning here in the Yay Area (knock on wood).  Which means i really want to go to the beach, picnic in hand and throw on some music boombox style.  Unfortunately for me, finals are in full swing (the quarter system at its best).  And I have so much to do right now, I don't want to do anything.  Hence the beach story.  If that wasn't enough of a procrastination for you, try this on for size:

love you, mean it


p.s. Have something amazing to drink tonight and pour some out for your homie - i.e. me...

p.p.s. pictures courtesy of audrey hepburn complex, one hot child in the city and honestly wtf?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Figs (or Plums) on a Plate

I have been thinking about some of the amazing food experiences I have had in the last few weeks.

On top of diving into the restaurant industry, within which I get to experience preparation to plate to service of food, I have been lucky enough to dine in a few choice restaurants.

These restaurants, although all different in aesthetic and general food theme, have something in common: The emphasis on local, fresh, in-season ingredients. As awareness of the impact of our sustenance come into focus these restaurants follow suit. Lucky for us, these goals are good for our overall sustainability, make our food nutritionally superior and the ingredients themselves even more excellent.

"Fuckin' every restaurant in San Francisco is just serving figs on a plate. Do something with your food." - david change, 2009

Oh, Mr. Change. You may be right. But how grateful I am to walk into a restaurant and know that the simple, well prepared and seasonal food is not covered in batter and if it is can be slightly changed so I'm not sick the next day.

I often think about the importance of eating "real food." The Gluten Free and Vegan industries are filled with processed foods. It seems counter intuitive that these diets, meant to be for those who are taking their eating to the most simple and essential life sustaining elements, are bombarded by an industry trying and replace those products left behind. My gluten free bread will never taste exactly like the bread I ate through my late teens.  But sometimes I just want a cookie and I thank my lucky stars for the companies that have made my cookie eating experiences exceptional. A delicate balance.

But really, this is a conversation about food. We eat to sustain, enjoy company, bond with our friends, take care people and feel good. I think of real food as ingredients that make me feel good as I'm eating them and then as I am digesting. So what if they are simply figs on a plate? The figs are in season and they taste better than any concoction I could come up with. Those that are nutritious because they are built that way always make me appreciate nature. Like oranges when they are in season (vitamin C, folks!) and the process of transitioning your body from winter into spring with our leafy greens.

Why do you eat the way you do? Tell me more.

love you, mean it.


Friday, September 3, 2010

This is the first day of my life...

So I think I told Barton that I wouldn't do this.  But hey, I change my mind a lot :)

I'm getting married one month from today.  Simultaneously, I am finishing up my second to last quarter of school.  Finals in two weeks, wedding in one month.  Between six months of planning and school, things are finally coming together.  Sometimes not-so-nicely and sometimes downright messily - but together none-the-less.  I was visiting one of my favorite blogs today for just down right inspiration and I saw this video.  It gave me goosebumps up both my arms and legs.  It's really sweet - cheesy song and all.  Too good not to share with you, all my friends...

Save the date! 31 july 2010 from Kishi-Grover on Vimeo.

Love you, mean it


photo and video courtesy of oncewed.