the view from my afternoon tea. this coffee shop was also a hotel and bike rental place. brilliant.
The best coffee in Berlin. Most of its customers were English speakers. We sure do love our coffee.
afternoon break by the river and museum row.
I've never stolen anything in my life... but i really had to control myself when it came to this tandem bike. wouldn't we look great on this, Em?
the fashion map saves lives...
the site of the biggest flea market i've been to! just a park in the picture...
pretty flowers. pretty girls.
I caught Berlin on one of its first warm weeks this year and It seemed everyone was out and about either in the many different parks that the city has with their sun dresses and straw hats, or enjoying the well thought out coffee shops on almost every corner just as much as I was.
love you, mean it.
this was a good first post back from summer break :)