Thursday, June 4, 2009


One of the last times I went to New York, the one and only thing I spent money on was food. On the little Island of Manhattan (although, I am sure at this point Brooklyn and beyond have caught onto the trend) there are SO many places for gluten free/vegan/picky eaters to eat and play. Ranging from GF Italian Food to bakeries.

I was thrilled to hear that the bakery that made the best cupcake I have had in years has finally put out its first book! There is some controversy surrounding this book and another that came out last month (Celiac awareness month. oops.)

But really...Refined Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Soy Free, Casein Free, Egg Free, Vegan, Kosher. What more could a gluten intolerant and vegan friend want??

Oh... a hot video. Right.

BabyCakes, the Book of Recipes: It's Here! from BabyCakes NYC on Vimeo.

She wins my heart with food, and makes me lust for her adorable bangs. Food and fashion coexisting once again.

oh...just to prove my excitement about this place, here is a picture of me in the shop, not even able to pose for a picture that did not include stuffing a cupcake down my throat.

love you, mean it.


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