Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pivet, Turn, Step

So, I'm sort of in love with my cousin.  Besides being raised in Europe (unsailably cool) and being a punk when punk was punk, she designs kickass handbags.  I know, I'm sort of jealous too.

Her company is called Plunket and Pivet and is based in Brooklyn.  You can see more of her bags here, but first a couple of my favorites:

When I was younger I wanted to be just like her when I grew up.  She taught me how to draw my first life-like figure, told me what bands were cool and had all the grace and air of a rockstar to my eleven year old brain.  At that point:  I had braces, listened to the Cranberries are wore a peace sign t-shirt.  Middleschool was not my finest hour.

I'm going to see her this weekend for a family reunion in Minnesota.  And I know it's silly, but I TOTALLY  hope she thinks I'm cool now.  LOL...

Love you, mean it


P.S. updates, pictures and cool points to follow :)  I'll miss you!

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