Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's Not Me, It's You

Hot off the coat-tails of a recent post by CAG, this morning brought talk of another clothing rental business. Current face of Chanel's gawdawful Coco Cocoon handbags, Lily Allen wants to open a clothing rental boutique. The boutique will be called Lucy In Disguise (?). She will open the boutique with her sister Sarah.

"'It's about making fashion democratic,' she said. 'That's the idea behind it. It's about getting really nice clothes but letting people rent them for affordable prices so they can go out and feel like a million dollars and it won't cost them a million dollars'" (

I, for one, think its a great idea. Keep em coming Lily!

Love you, mean it


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARTON - send gifts care of the second oak tree on the left. She likes gluten-free flours, vintage etsy dresses and the musical stylings of lovely ladies.

1 comment:

  1. gosh darn it. there are so many awesome people out there doing super rad things. Thanks for highlighting this one! as usual- a lovely post.
