Saw this trey cray spaghetti necklace on BecauseI'mAddicted the other day. I wonder if she was hungry and that's why she posted about this raman lookin glob?
It made me think of this crazy anime my friend told me about. Apparently it's about this magical food that is super cute. The food goes around convincing people to eat it - and is super stoked about being eaten! Somebody finally eats the magic food THEN it comes back! AND is still super cute and magic as ever!
These nummy sammiches are by strangelittlebear.
French Fry backpack by Burger and Friends. I had a french fry wallet of theirs for a hot sec.
And the créme-de-la-créme: a frigging crocheted burger dress by Joy Kampia. Why oh why didn't I wear this to senior prom?
Here are some other cute food things that leave me pondering: Do I want to wear this or eat it? It sort of reminds me when I was 4 years old sitting in my high-chair throwing spaghetti in my hair. Maybe I was a trendsetter even then? Who knows? Enjoy - but don't get a toothache!
French Fry backpack by Burger and Friends. I had a french fry wallet of theirs for a hot sec.
And the créme-de-la-créme: a frigging crocheted burger dress by Joy Kampia. Why oh why didn't I wear this to senior prom?
Love you, mean it
idea from BecauseI'mAddicted