Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh you nasty girls

So I thought a piece of the post from yesterday needed a bit more exploring...

I am sort of in L>O>V>E with the shop NastyGal.  And, if I'm not sorely reading into some of the posts on her blog, it's locally based in SF.

NastyGal was born in 2006 by Sophia Amoruso.  It is a blend of vintage and new, with a handful of baby designers sprinkled in for flavor.  I had a crush on Modcloth before this and FredFlare was another part time lover, but NastyGal unleashed my inner fashion whore.  I totally slutted through pages of the store with my eyes watery and my mouth agape.  It's a pretty close to perfect 10 for me in my current fashion era.  I can only hope that it gives you the fashion boner it gave me.  Here are some of my favorite pieces in no particular order:

Shop NastyGal made it to Lucky Magazines "100 Under $100" guide to the coolest stuff online.
Check it out if you're cool, buy stuff if you're nasty.

Love you, mean it


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